It seems fashion has discovered blogs. WWD says blogs are the latest trend in fashion editorial and Constance White of eBay proclaims: “”The impact [blogs are] having is the idea that the whole population is taking control and ownership of fashion.” Hmmmm, does she really believe that?’s main news page –you are viewing it the DFR Daily Fashion Report — is configured as a blog (using ProBlogger software) for the last 4 years. Just look to the left on this page and you will see our posts archived and linked since February 2nd, 2002.
We continually find it amazing the selective memory some writers have in this industry. And however immodest this might sound, is not only the longest running fashion site on the web but, in fact, is the pioneer fashion site in the use of the blogging format.
Not that anyone cares. Just wanted to set the record straight.
-Ernest Schmatolla
Nice to see that those old fashion biddy’s are catching up with this “new” technology called the internet…;)