Certainly, New York Times photojournalist — and fashion historian extraordinaire — Bill Cunningham is truly one in a million, there is nobody like him, and he can never be duplicated or replaced. But it seems there is someone out there who perhaps might love to ‘fill’ his shoes someday, or at the very least, has been inspired by his work and that photographer is Kate Schelter.
Ms. Schelter’s photographs of stylish social fixtures and stylish ‘relative unknowns’ appear routinely in both Style.com and on the pages of Vogue each month, and they’ve just given her a new forum for her work. If you click on to Style.com, you will find a brand new feature: “Candid Camera- Taking it to the Streets”: a slide show highlighting the warm weather street smart personal style of New Yorkers as captured by the young and adorable photographer (and “trend-tracker”). Sound familiar? Well, of course, it’s hard not to notice that it is very much in the mood of that Sunday New York Times feature we all know and love- Bill Cunningham’s ‘On the Street’ column.
Ms. Schelter has always caught my eye simply because she seems to be ‘everywhere’ and is hard to miss: effervescent, cute, tall, skinny, she’s the one at all the fashion shows and high profile parties, with camera in hand, flashing that smile, as she searches for interesting ‘photo-ops.’ She truly seems to love what she does (like Bill), appears to derive much pleasure, and find tremendous satisfaction upon tracking down that perfect ‘subject’ (again, like Bill).
-Posted by Marilyn Kirschner