Citymeals-On-Wheels Benefit Raises Over $100,000

One of the most popular and well attended annual fashion benefits was held last night at Martini’s Restaurant, 810 Seventh Avenue chaired each year for the past 19 years by Ruth Finley, publisher of Fashion Calendar. This year honorees were Joan Kaner, VP & Fashion Director of Neiman Marcus and Mikki Taylor, Beauty & Cover Editor of Essence Magazine. A crowd of over 250 enjoyed Sapphire Bombay cocktails, Ecco Domini Wines, hors d’oeuvres and great buffet dinner followed by a raffle with prizes donated by major fashion & beauty companies.

Spotted in the crowd were designers Ralph Rucci, John Anthony, Dana Buchman and Patricia Underwood; fashion publicists Jody Donohue and Erica Fineberg; WWD senior editor Etta Froio; John Pomerantz CEO of Leslie Fay; and Jane Elfers, President of Lord & Talyor.

Most interesting conversation of the evening was with Nanci Schallman, President of the Schallman Group, who besides being blonde, beautiful and a successful career woman is, in her spare time, an active mountain climber who has scaled Mount Kilimanjaro and close to the summit of Mount Everest. Oh, and finally, we don’t want to forget to mention the great goody bags.



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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