More on Ralph Rucci & Cathy Horyn:

Dear Ernest–well said. Cathy Horyn thinks that because she’s added vulnerable blonde streaks to her hair and is now kissing up to Ghesquiere and Oscar, all is ok and all is forgotten.

Cathy would make a great war correspondent. She’s tough, a good writer and she obviously doesn’t have a clue about what fashion is. Ralph Rucci is the best we have in America right now. The French are not among my current faves, but let’s face it, they do know their clothes and Rucci is the only American they currently want on their couture list. And Ralph Rucci couture is rapidly acquiring the dream international client list. What’s up with Cathy Horyn? She is so losing any fashion intuition she might ever have been credited with! – name withheld



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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