‘Clothes for Our Times’
I agree that many of today’s young fashion designers are lazily evoking the past, and are simply not thinking hard enough about the way in which fashion relates to the times (“Designers, Forget Vreeland. Look at Your Own World,” Fashion page, Dec. 24).
As we head into a new year, with the fall-winter 2003 collections upon us, this observation is timely and valid.
But fashion designers can only propose. It is up to informed, imaginative customers to take the next step and transform the clothing they buy and wear into something modern, appropriate and relevant to their world and times — in short, to make it their own.
The article asks fashion designers to “think hard.” The consumer should heed this request as well.
New York, Dec. 24, 2002
(This letter appeared December 28th on the editorial page. It is sort of sad that The New York Times editors decided it was necessary for them to remove Marilyn reference that she was editor-in-chief of lookonline and was writing to them in that capacity.)