PBS News Hour Highlights New York Times Magazine Feature ‘Babes in Coutureland’ as Exploitative:

Tuesday Night’s PBS News Hour with Jim Lehrer featured a segment by Anne Taylor Fleming reporting on the sexual exploitation by our society of young girls. Ms. Taylor specifically highlighted photos from the New York Time’s Magazine feature article ‘Babes in Coutureland’ citing it as a prime example of the media’s exploitation of young girls. It looks like we are not the only ones who found style editor Amy Spindler’s taste once again open to question.

Below is our original July 28th posting:

New York Times Fashion Editor Amy Spindler Continues to Cross Over the Line Between Cutting Edge Fashion Editorial and Bad Taste:

I am hardly a prude, and believe firmly in creative freedom of the press. But in light of all the recent publicity surrounding the rash of kidnappings, sexual molestations and murders of young girls, I must say I found a few of the pictures in today’s New York Times Magazine, (‘Babes in Coutureland’ ) which illustrated the ‘I wanna look like Mom’ trend a bit disturbing. Talk about bad timing, Spindler does it again!



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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