It must be a very slow day for fashion news or nobody is in town to do the work. The New York Post is running today some old gossip on about Calvin Klein calling Joan Rivers names and they are crediting as the source. The item first appeared way back in the May 29 edition of ‘Chic Happens’ with no reference by the editors as to where they got the info. Then Metro Channel’s Full Frontal Fashion daily ‘News Flash’ is featuring a report that has included Robert Verdi in their report: ‘Screen Test: The Best Fashion TV Personalities Worldwide.’ as one of fashion’s top TV reporters.
And if that is not exciting enough, is running a news report on Virginia Smith leaving Calvin Klein (first reported days ago by WWD) to accept a new job with Vogue as Fashion Director. Of course we cannot access the full story, since we do not pay to subscribe to their news service, but if we wait a couple of days the same story will probably show up somewhere in the fashion news sections of The New York Post has a deal (among other sites) to regularly post for free access on what Fashionwiredaily’s regularly charges its’ subscribers for on their site.
…and around and around and around it goes!