Brandusa Niro…, the site where “celebrity gossip runs amuck” has been in the news as of late. Brandusa Niro, the controversial founder & CEO of the site (along with her husband) has been removed and replaced with a new CEO Lynn Krominga, a former exec at FWD parent Revlon. WWD reported the event last Friday. Readers got the sense that WWD was gleefully highlighting all of FWD’s troubles. There is also talk about publishing FWD’s 24/7, that awful weekly fashion/celebrity magazine that debuted with four “test” issues late last year and then was stopped. All we can say is just what the world needs, another tabloid style fashion & celebrity based magazine.

And speaking of tabloid celebrity gossip, we wonder just what is the relationship is between and Fashionwiredaily? has a number of links from several fashion sections on the site to FWD content. See the following sections: ‘insider’ and ‘focus’ and ‘celebstyle’. Perhaps this relationship between FWD publishing house AMI and Murdoch’s News Corporation goes beyond just sharing content? One thing AMI, FWD and the News Corporation all have in common, they can never be accused of underestimating the bad taste of the public.



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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