Fashion Publicist Pierre Rougier Slammed in New York Post:

Richard Johnson of The New York Post reports that “Gucci heads are increasingly frustrated with Ghesquiere’s New York publicist, Pierre Rougier. Considered the most ineffective p.r. on the beat, Rougier has scuttled stories about Ghesquiere in major magazines and at shows has relegated influential editors to the hinterlands – if he invites them at all. Gucci has asked Ghesquiere to cut Rougier loose, but the designer stands by his fellow Frenchman.” (click here for full story)

It is no secret to us and many other members of the New York fashion press who we know that Pierre Rogier and his firm PR Consulting is one of the rudest, most arrogant and difficult firms to deal with in an industry that has more that its share of rude and difficult people. They have never once had the courtesy of returning a phone call or even faxing back a response to us regarding our request to attend one of their client’s shows. In fact, we have stated publically in this column less than a year ago that Pierre Rogier’s agency was – in our opinion – the number one worst run agency among over 60 New York based fashion pr firms.



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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