International Best Dressed Poll

International Best Dressed Poll 2001/2002 Ballots for nominations to this year’s poll are in the mail. “This poll, conducted annually since 1940 with the help of an international committee of fashion authorities, has as its sole purpose the maintenance of a continuous historical record of fashion evolution, marked by a list of prominent personalities who, in the opinion voters and the finalizing committee, has significantly personified that year’s most memorable expression of influential personal style.” – Eleanor Lambert, Coordinator

The poll was created by New York fashion publicist Eleanor Lambert. Some of the better known individuals included in this year’s “suggestions for consideration” by the committee to the voters are: Women: Penelope Cruz, Tiffany Dubin, Goldie Hawn, Jade Jagger, Marina Rust, Hilary Swank, Kate Moss, Dawn Mello, Nicole Kidman, Mrs. Hernry Kravis, Blaine Trump, Catherine Zeta Jones, Aerin Lauder Zinterhofer, Chloe Sevigny, Ceclia Dean, Enid Nemy, Mrs Alfred Taubman; Men: John Bartlett, Tom Ford, Steve Martin, Brad Pitt, Sting, Taki Theodoracopulos, Jon Bon Jovi, Tom Cruise, Tony Blair, Richard Lambertson, Patrick McCarthy, Bryant Gumbel, Michael Douglas, and Lars Nilson.

The final decision will be announced in the Spring.’s publisher Ernest Schmatolla and Editor-in-Chief Marilyn Kirschner are among the over 1,000 voters selected worldwide to participate in the poll. For more information about the poll, contact Eleanor Lambert Public Relations at 212-754-3046 or fax: 212-826-2834.

– Ernest Schmatolla



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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