Listing with our New York Fashion Events/Party Schedule produces a monthly fashion events schedule that is e-mailed to over 850 fashion editors, magazine and newspaper fashion reporters, website publishers, fashion bloggers, fashion retailers, designers, stylists, publicists and more. This is an ‘A-list’ of some of the biggest names and most influential persons in American and European fashion. Our mailing list includes both our paying subscribers as well as opt-out members who also read our DFR: Daily Fashion Reports.

E-mailed out the first of every month, this schedule highlights the most important shows, presentations, and parties going on in New York for that month. It is a very selective list of events. Each listing includes the date, time and address of the event along with phone, fax and or email contact information as to who is handling the invitation list.

Unlike other schedules, we will begin to include additional info – up to 50 words – further explaining the event and promoting it to our users. We encourage you to take advantage of our schedule – which is of no cost to you and/or your client – and send us your listings of your planned events and include us on your press release lists.

To post a listing on our schedule simply email us at or fax us at 212-744-8279 before the end of each month with the information about the event for the coming month. Again, we need the date, time, title of event, address, contact info and up to 50 words describing the show, party or other press event.



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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