Renowned Malaysian designer, Zang Toi, held his Fall 2017 fashion show at Pier 59 beginning at 7:30 PM. The overflow crowd was there to pay homage to Zang who is a fixture on the social circuit and a friend to many of the attendees. Kimberly Guilfoyle, Sonja Morgan, Carol Alt, and Kim Alexis graced the front row as photographers snapped away.
Alt showed up in a sexy corset with a red Zang coat and I see a future Sports Illustrated cover in her future. Fellow model, Kim Alexis, told me she admired Christie Brinkley for her longevity in the fashion industry and would love to do a magazine cover when she hits 60. Speaking of 60 Zang is 55, and maintains his youthful appearance through exercise and hard work. Tonight’s collection was entitled “Brilliant Royal Blue” and the clothing was indeed executed brilliantly with just enough color and pizazz while still maintaining Zang’s signature elegance.
Metallic royal blue rayon and wool starlet gown |
There were 33 total looks and the thing I admired most about the collection was Zang’s craftsmanship-the way each fold and crease hugged the model’s bodies with a fit that was nothing short of perfection. The collection opened with a black and navy shearling and turtleneck combination that was classic and utilitarian. Royal blue, navy and black were interwoven in various combinations throughout and lent a modern edge to the softness of the collection. The runway music provided by Kevin Edwards gave a romanticism to the clothing that heightened its impact.
White taffeta pouf sleeve with silk velvet navy skirt |
One of my favorite looks was the winter white silk taffeta pouf sleeved blouse with the navy slitted silk skirt-this was royalty meets runway. The last couple of pieces featured what Zang does best-the capes and lined coats that are dramatic and regal. However, this time Zang added electric blue to many of the ensembles a theme that has been prevalent throughout fashion week.
Portrait of a royal blue princess. |
Another surprise was the metallic royal blue gown with a royal brooch-Zang rarely does such a sparkly ensemble but it was a welcome addition to the magnificently staid collection. The show ended with a royal blue Princess coat that had the audience gasping – Zang outdid himself with another fashion week home run.
– Lieba Nesis