The ‘Party of the Year’ got off to an early start this morning when Tom Ford, the man of the hour, who will act as one of the co-chairs, along with Anna Wintour and a true, bonafide ‘Goddess’ Nicole Kidman, put in an appearance at the Costume Institute for a press preview of the Goddess Exhibit. Looking dapper as usual, Tom fielded questions from reporters and greeted fashion insiders like Hamish Bowles at the three hour reception. It seems obvious that this event will generate as much if not more excitement and publicity, than the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis themed exhibit several years ago, or the Versace installation. With all the publicity surrounding the soiree, it seems evident that those stellar names in attendance will take the theme ‘Goddess’ very seriously when pondering what to wear. (Of course, many of those names already think they are Gods and Goddesses anyway!)
Oh my ‘God'(ess):