From New Zealand website The Thread “The dumbing down by the fashion media” By Megan Johnson:
“Journalists are basically lazy, says Coleridge (Managing Director of Conde Nast Publications). It’s very easy to give people what they want, therefore the catering to the lowest common denominator by the media. Despite attempts by the BBC and Channel 4 to do a ‘serious’ show on fashion as a cultural, social or economic force, the programme inevitably turns into a showcase of sexy models in outrageous outfits and stories on sex and drugs presented by a silly skinny blonde!
Fashion should be treated like architecture or modern art. Instead, fashion became trivialised by the entertainment industry, ie it became SHOWBIZ> Money and sex and celebrity is vital to it. Actresses decided they wanted to be models. Actresses now are ‘starlets’, and Hollywood markets to age 11-18. Labels have taken over from fashion, instead of a reason that we like the garment, we slavishly adhere to what a label dictates. Shows sell the label’s perfume brand, a little bit of glamour we can buy for $100.”