Red is the one color that always stands out – and it’s also seen as highly patriotic, since the shade figures prominently in our national symbol – the American flag. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the popular hue has also traditionally been the color of choice for politicians, their wives, their supporters, as well as media types.
It was hard not to notice that on CNN’s continuous news coverage of the Iowa Caucus yesterday, the one color that seemed to have been worn by practically all the anchors and reporters was red. Judy Woodruff, always impeccably turned out and tailored, opted for an all red and very chic ensemble consisting of a high collared jacket and matching top. Kelly Arena chose that familiar and predictable combo of red blazer worn over black turtleneck.
Speaking of the ‘uniform’ of red blazer and black turtleneck, the trio of Suzanne Malvaux, Kelly Wallace, and Candy Crowley – on air at the same time- resembled triplets in what appeared to be matching red blazers worn over black turtlenecks. Even the men got into the game- the network’s Anderson Cooper used a red tie to spice up his dark navy pinstripe suit.
By the way, it wasn’t just CNN that made use of red. Over at NBC, news correspondent Kelly O’Donnell – who was reporting on the political doings in Iowa- also opted for red and black, but veered from the predictable by wearing her black blazer over a red turtleneck.