Editorial: Lookonline Banned for our Criticism

Lookonline.com editors have again been “uninvited” to the CFDA Awards. Why you may ask? Because I have directed criticism at Diane von Furtenberg’s stewardship of the CFDA as President and has suggested that someone else should take over the leadership. Given the fact that DVF has already served 4 terms (ending this August) and she has been consumed with other interests from a TV reality show to her own Awards, we believe the interests of the members would be better served by someone else. The fact is, DVF has become bigger than the CFDA and I question in who interests she is really serving — hers or the CFDA?

In the words of CEO of the CFDA Steven Kolb who emailed me a few weeks back, Lookonline.com (specifically me) is not a “friend” of Diane von Furstenberg and no one from our site will be receiving credentials to cover the gala awards. All I can say is, if it were not for the honor, I would have preferred our writers to be invited.

Ernest Schmatolla



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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