7th Annual Avant Guardian Project

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Surface magazine and No. TEN by Tanqueray announce a nationwide search for the best emerging U.S.-based fashion photographers to showcase in Surface’s Annual Avant Guardian issue and traveling exhibition.

Now in its 7th year, the Avant Guardian™ project has become the leading showcase for the best new and often unpublished American fashion photographers. Finalists are selected based on photographic submissions and assigned a fashion editorial to be produced as part of the Avant Guardian™ project. All assignments are ‘on spec’. Spec shoots are not guaranteed for publication and there are no fees paid for spec shoots. Surface will help coordinate resources such as wardrobe, stylists and models. From these shoots, Surface may select images to A] be published in the magazine B] travel in a touring multi-city exhibit or C] both.

Surface magazine is currently accepting entries on their website www.surfacemag.com/agp/guidelines.html Deadline for entries is June 15th.



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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