From Michael Gross’s December 8th ‘The Word’ Column:
Beauty may fade, but modeling sex scandals endure. Tomorrow morning, the past will bite John Casablancas, the founder of Elite Models and, arguably, the man who has bedded more of them than anyone on Earth.
The Word has heard from the plaintiff’s lawyer that papers will be filed in
California in a suit – Jane Doe v. John Casablancas and Elite Model
Management – charging that in 1988, he seduced the plaintiff when she was a 15-year-old aspiring model, impregnated her, and then manipulated her into having an abortion. The suit will seek “substantial” damages.
According to the lawyer, the suit alleges that Casablancas, then 45, invited
the girl to his hotel room during an Elite model competition in Japan.
There, she found him wearing nothing but a robe and let him have sex with
her several times. Then he gave her a kimono, T-shirt and jean jacket. After
a second tryst in Brazil, she became pregnant, and another Elite official
arranged and paid for an abortion.
“The b—- deserves to have his dirty laundry out there for the whole world
to see,” the alleged victim told The Word.
The name of the model, now 30, married with two children and living in San
Diego, is being withheld. “The law protects victims,” explains one of her
lawyers, Jeffrey R. Anderson, who’s been suing Catholic dioceses and
officials over the sexual abuse of children by priests for 20 years, winning
judgments he estimates to be in excess of $60 million. He also helped draft
the new California statute that lets victims sue years after alleged abuse.
“I have proof,” the plaintiff wrote to The Word. “I can name names, dates,
places and every single person that covered up his behavior. The doctor I
was sent to is still in business.”
Casablancas calls the allegations “very disturbing,” adding that he believes
they’re designed “to exploit” the new California law “directed at the
Catholic Church scandals” and has “nothing in common with the modeling
profession or with anything related to me.” He also maintains that
California has no legal jurisdiction in the matter and charges that the
allegations are fabricated and “driven by greed.”