My favorite event…

My favorite event (it has become a tradition for me) during fashion week is Eleanor Lambert’s Open House Party for the Press.(Sunday February 10th 12Noon-4PM by invitation; phone: 212-754-3045 fax: 826-2834.) Ever since I became involved in Fashion as a photographer in 1985, I always look forward to going to her beautiful upper 5th Avenue apartment where she serves her famous buffet lunch featuring that marvelously sweet baked ham. Invited members of the press and many of her personal friends sit together in her living room and cozy den talking fashion and renewing friendships that were many times started right in her living room. Eleanor is called the first fashion publicist. For more than 50 years, she has help establish and promote many designers’ careers and she started the “Best Dressed List”. Perhaps more importantly, Eleanor is credited with first bringing into New York the out-of-town press during what was then called – in the 1950’s – ‘Press Week”. Editors would be put up at several major hotels – like the Plaza and The Pierre – and the runway shows would be held right in the same hotels. This was all organized by Eleanor. She is truly a ‘Grande Dame’ of American fashion. It is interesting to see who regularly comes up to pay their respects. Over the past few years I have seen among many others: Geoffrey Beene, Robert Lee Morris, Adrian Landau and Bill Blass all drop by to say hello. Elsa Klensch is always there as well as Ruth Finley and Bernadine Morris. Very few of the young “hot” editors or designers ever show up. Many of them do not even know or care who Eleanor Lambert is or what she has done. Of course 50 years from now I doubt anyone will ever pause a moment and remember any of them. There is something to be said about honoring tradition…see you there!



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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