The Royal Watch Column: The Countdown

Five Things You Need To Know Right Now

President & Mrs. Obama meet the royal couple

With the royal “wedding of the century” behind them, Prince William and his new bride, the former Kate Middleton, have assumed their rightful place in the pop culture landscape. While the couple has certainly captured our attention, we are just as intrigued by the supporting players who have emerged from the spectacle as bona fide media stars in their own right. (Harry! Pippa!) All of this is good news for royal watchers since William and Catherine aren’t keen to live in the media fishbowl. Even when the royal lovebirds aren’t front and center, there is always something interesting happening with their sexy siblings. And, of course, the upwardly mobile in-laws and those randy royals have been fascinating from the get-go.’s entertainment editor Diane Clehane will be reporting on all things royal for her new weekly column, The Royal Watch. This week’s installment offers a crash course on the five most important things you need to know about the royals right now. Check out the countdown here:




Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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