Can Your Ever Be Too Chic Or Too Vulgar?

Not according to those fun loving “preverts” over at In their continual and often successful quest to draw attention to themselves by being the “bad boys” of on-line fashion media their latest Terry Richardson interview is a new low (or is that high) for them. The homepage of hintmag features a photo of Terry Richardson in what appears to be a “tongue in something more that a cheek” sexual act being used as the cover of Lee Carter’s interview with the photographer. So much for treating women as sexual objects and talk about in your face editorial! All we can say is too bad the interview itself is pretty much of a snore.

(On September 2nd they removed the offensive photo and replaced it with a silly one. I wonder if it was anything we said?)



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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