Photo: Getty
The worst semi-celebrity offender of the year is undeniably Pershing Square Capital CEO, Bill Ackman. This billionaire activist hedge funder who makes sure to be in the news every chance possible scared the bejesus out of everyone when he declared in a March CNBC interview “hell is coming” as he called on the president to impose a 30-day lockdown due to coronavirus concerns. I recall listening to his doomsday interview with quivers in my body. “America will end as we know it,” declared Ackman, if we don’t shut the country down.
Five days after helping tank the economy, he sold his bets wagered against the market, resulting in a surge to his portfolio from $27 million to $2.6 billion. Ackman denied profiting off his claims and failed to apologize or contribute any of his ill-gotten gains to aid the disease effort. He whined about how tough it is in his mega-mansion being with his parents and kids. He is now tweeting optimistic news about the economy so he can again reap the benefits from his current bullish trades.

Another entitled complainer, Ellen Degeneres, compared being in quarantine in her $20 million mansion to “being in jail.” I am waiting for the television series “Everybody Hates Ellen.” It was recently revealed her diva-like behavior having her firing workers for the sin of chipped nail polish and demanding workers go home and shower if they smell bad.

There are rumors Ellen is going to interview Meghan Markle, who is top of the list for most annoying luminaries. If being a royal, the cushiest job on earth is too arduous a task you are in big trouble. She and Prince Harry continue to make one wrong move after another: including lecturing others about global warming while hopping around in their private jet to socialize with billionaire friends Amal Clooney, Serena Williams, and Oprah. Relocating from one $20 million mansions to another while suing the paparazzi for obtaining any unwanted photos is what doing good is all about– huh?
It was clear Meghan and Harry were always planning to move to sunny California and were using Canada as a way station to deflect criticism that Meghan was an empty-headed fame seeker. When she and Harry began lecturing the public on washing their hands during this pandemic, more than 20,000 people took to Instagram to excoriate this clueless pair.
Coupled with their advice for the public to use this time to train as mental health counselors Harry and Meghan proved how out of touch they are. The thin-skinned couple turned off the comments on their Instagram so as not to view the widespread criticism of their patronizing suggestions.

Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez, who recently had dinner with the royal couple, have shown their suffering during these tough times by hunkering down in their massive mansion while playing ball with their perfectly blended families. JLo, who never misses an opportunity to flaunt her abs and butt, told the public to stay home while the cameras caught her and Alex working out alone at a gym in Miami.
Hey Jennifer, we know you had a great year wiggling your scantily clad body for millions of teenagers at the Super Bowl, glorifying prostitution in your crappy “Hustlers” movie and appearing more naked than ever in your remodeled green Versace dress — please retire this hackneyed garment.

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Being proud of the ability to look just as slutty – two kids and twenty years later- is a gimmick only Lopez could pull off. This time we got a “behind the scenes” look at her butt crack and boobs in the ubiquitous Versace gown. The public is waiting for her and Alex to make some real contribution to the current crises, other than parading around half-naked.

Photo: Instagram
Some minor offenders in the crisis include the always irritating Bella Hadid, who continues to parade around topless in quarantine. Her friend, Justin Bieber, is equally tone-deaf running from one mansion to another while face-timing with Kendall Jenner to discuss how blessed they both are to be so privileged while others are suffering.

Photo: Cheatsheet.com
Please stop invoking Jesus, Justin, while simultaneously discussing having sex all the time or taking provocative pictures of your wife for your 100 million followers. Moreover, continually claiming how in love and lucky you are with your spouse when millions are dying alone is tactless – to say the least.

Photo: by Bruce Glikas/FilmMagic
Lastly, I would like to address those who have tested positive for the disease and continue to expose others. Andy Cohen revealed during his quarantine going to the pharmacy — terrible move. Fashion influencer Arielle Charnas who was parading around the Hamptons sans mask and exposing her babies, nanny, husband, and building residents in Manhattan to her disease, is another offender. It is doubtful any brands will be collaborating with her anytime soon.

Photo: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
Moreover, Chris Cuomo and George Stephanopoulos, who continue to broadcast live from their homes despite testing positive, are subjecting their staff and camera crews to unnecessary danger. Hey, send in some YouTube videos and call it quits for a few weeks. Cuomo was spotted hanging outside with his family in the Hamptons this past Easter Sunday while exposing his family and neighborhood to the virus – practice what you preach buddy.
We know you newscasters are attention hogs and love the big payday, but how about laying low for once to preserve others. The insensitivity celebrities have displayed during these dire times will hopefully knock them off their undeserved pedestal – enough is enough.