ernest—you’ve hit a nerve with me. the reason i decided to focus on french fashion is because i receive a good reception in paris. after i was invited to join the french federation of couture, doors opened up immediately–the same kinds of doors that were closed to me in new york. in paris i am invited to top shows, often given amazing seating, invited to parties and so on. in new york it was always a struggle. i became friendly with a few press offices, but it seemed more often than not it didn’t matter to the new york fashion industry whether fashionlines covered their shows. watching second string celebrities prancing around in the front rows while i stood in line for 90 minutes just to gain admittance, only to be pressed against hundreds of other people in the back of the room, i decided i’d had enough. i love new york and i love new york fashion, but major changes need to be made before i return.
Ernest—you’ve hit a nerve with me…