Saturday’s schedule of shows included Jason Bunin’s…

Saturday’s schedule of shows included Jason Bunin’s mens and womens fall/winter collection. One reason I was looking forward to it because he took the time to comment on Bernadine Morris’ editorial ‘Why Isn’t Fashion Flourishing’? He assured Ms. Morris that she would not be disappointed if she attended his show, because he felt satisfied that he was addressing the needs of modern men and women with his designs. Well, sorry to say Jason, I was disappointed—–the collection somehow ‘missed’ in mood, color, and silhouette, the skirts were too short, and the evening dresses were a big mistake. You should have stuck with your softer, more whimsical sportswear.

Marilyn Kirschner

I am a long time fashion editor with 40+ years of experience. As senior market of Harper's Bazaar for 21 years I met and worked with every major fashion designer in the world and covered all of the collections in Paris, London, Milan and New York. I was responsible for overall content, finding and pulling in the best clothes out there, and for formulating ideas and stories.

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