The Top Ten

Isn’t it the truth that so many internatonal retailers and press all love and look forward to Fashion Week. Isn’t it also the truth that these invited industry guests really get into running around the tents, watching the shows, and mixing it up at all of the big week’s de rigeur parties and special events, all in the name of simply doing their jobs. Such a blast. And then, on the other side of the coin, there are the “univited” guests at the tents; those obnoxious, over-dressed and over-hyped hanger-on-ers whopop up out of the toaster sans invites; the people who think that they are oh-so-special; the ones who truly believe that they have the right to be apart of Fashion Week and attend the shows and parties, not to mention grabbing every freebie that they can.

You know who you are! But, not to worry too much about the majority of these folks because the boys from Citadel Security (read our interview with Ty Yorio) are always front and center at the tents and it’s their job to handle the masses and make sure that the “right” people get towhere they need to be. And, that’s when things can really get crazy,according to a pair of Citadel professionals such as Ty Yorio (president & founder) and Michael Carney (site manager), who have the delicate and often times difficult (and thankless) job of separating the Fashion Week wheat from the chafe; i.e., keeping track of who’s hot (the industry professionals with invites in hand) vs. who’s not (all of those invite-less outsiders).

These guys have seen it all and listened it all, albeit with much style and much aplomb. Now, we’re bringing to you – straight from the mouths of Yorio and Carney – the top ten Fashion Week excuses Yorio and Carney have heard most often from the hanger-on-ers. Oh, and in addition to giving a host of lame excuses, Yorio and Carney say that many of these people often do an add-on to their reportoire by appearing drunk or stoned; spitting, screaming, or merely trying to push their way ahead of everyone else on the line and bypass security altogether.

Think you’ve heard every excuse in the book at the tents. Read on.

#1 “My friend is inside and she/he has my invitation”

#2 “I’m the one who put the bathrooms in this joint”

#3 “The designer asked me to come by today”

#4 “I KNOW I have a seat inside, but I left my invite in a taxi”

#5 “I was e-mailed to be here. It’s on my Blackberry”

#6 “We are all employees”

#7 “My friend told me to ask for “her”/”him”

#8 “DON’T YOU know who I am?”

#9 “I’M on the LIST!”

#10 “I am with her…she is with me…DON’T you know who the hell we are?”

-Adrienne Weinfeld-Berg



Ernest Schmatolla is publisher of Lookonline since 1994. It is the longest running fashion site on the Internet.

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