The Tent – All photos Lieba Nesis
On Saturday, August 3rd, the Southampton Hospital Foundation’s 66th annual summer party to benefit Stony Brook Southampton Hospital took place under the magnanimous tents of Wickapogue Road. The Hospital is a 125-bed edifice accredited by the Joint Commission and designated as a Level 3 Trauma Center on the East End of Long Island. It admits over 6,000 patients annually and has over 25,000 emergency room visits yearly.
With more than 280 physicians and 1200 employees, it is a pivotal facility that serves residents from Westhampton to Montauk. Gala tickets at $2,000 are one of the highlights of the Hamptons social season – a difficult feat considering the dozens of festivities that occur during the busy summer season.
And so, the swells on the South Fork gathered to show their support on a sweltering summer evening where the outdoor tent did little to shield the glitterati from the humid environs.

Janna Bullock, Lee Fryd, Kim Renk
After a busy weekend, traffic came to a near halt on Friday as Donald Trump made his way to the Bridgehampton Howard Lutnick fundraiser. I was lucky to have been spared gridlock on Friday as I remained in Southampton to toast the Evelyn Alexander Wildlife Rescue Center, the only full-time wildlife facility in Long Island.

Arnie Rosenshein, Paola Bacchini, Vicki Schneps, Ken and Maria Fisher
Along with guests and fellow animal lovers Beth Stern, Jean Shafiroff, Maria Fishel, and Chuck Scarborough, Saturday was another busy day in the Hamptons, the most socially jam-packed resort in the world. During the summer season, hundreds of galas and soirees have been nonstop for the past eight weeks.

Dr. Daniel and Allison Van Arsdale, John and Margo Catsimatidis, Xanthi and Father Alex Karloutsos
Stalwart hospital supporters who have helped maintain the facility for over a decade include moguls Howard Lorber, John Paulson, Audrey and Martin Gruss, Jean and Martin Shafiroff, Melanie and John Wambold, Margo and John Catsimatidis, and Somers and Alexander Farkas.

Jean Shafiroff in a Ese Azenabor gown
While Paulson and Lorber were no-shows, summer party vice chair Jean Shafiroff, donning a spectacular Ese Azenabor gown, along with Melanie Wambold, Cindy Willis, and Joey Wolffer ensured the tent was filled to capacity with glamorous dames Somers Farkas, Kim Renk, Paola Bacchini, Audrey Gruss, Maria Fishel, Margo Catsimatidis, Veronica Atkins, Josephine de Moura and Rachel Zoe.

Dr Alexandre and Josephine de Moura, Maria and Ken Fishel
Honorees Father Alexander Karloutsos and Dr. Daniel Van Arsdale, unwavering advocates of the hospital community, spoke movingly about the importance of the Hospital and its all-hands-on-board approach during the COVID pandemic. Father Alex distributed over 8,000 vaccines.
Dr. Van Arsdale, the Director of Medical Education at Stony Brook, was joined by his wife, fellow doctor, and family physician Allison Van Arsdale, who remarked that no decision was made without his wife’s input.

Malcolm Carfrae, Rachel Zoe, Joey Wolffer
As the guests headed to dinner, publicity maven Norah Lawlor, one of the evening’s chairs dominating Hampton’s summer social season, checked guests in and escorted them onto the red carpet, ensuring all transpired smoothly.

Max and Irina Kro Eicke, Veronica Atkins
The 6 PM cocktail hour contained drinks, light bites, and tunes by American Idol alumnus Christiaan Padavan. The social swans and those less seen on the circuit gathered like Nancy Stone, who donated $50,000, and Veronica Atkins, the wife of famed physician Robert Atkins.

John Catsimatidis Jr., Meghan Fitzpatrick
As guests headed to the main tent, which featured floral designs by DeJuan Stroud, lighting, and sounds created by Luminous Designs, we were introduced to newcomers Emily Mastaler and Julia McCormack, who will head the Hospital and Foundation, along with newly elected board chairman Jim Forbes.
At 9 PM, a heavy downpour lifted the dense heat as guests headed to the adjacent tent for a dessert bar, dancing along with tunes by “That 70’s Band” and an impeccable juggling act. A donut and ice cream truck also awaited as guests made their way to the parking lot – having once again experienced one of the premier evenings of the Hamptons summer season.
Latest Comments:
My fave is the Gorski. Best look and function to me!
A Marvelous Tribute to IRIS, a one-of-a-kind work of art!
You beautifully, tastefully, and rightfully said it all. I do think Melania’s Adviser Herve Pierre influences her choices.
Fascinating article–fascinating man! Thanks, Marilyn!
Love my portrait Thank you Michel Haddi!!!!
Such a fun and bold take on fashion! Love how this collection brings a fresh, playful energy to the scene.
Beautifully written with fashion, identity, and branding intelligence!
Wonderful gift ideas for stressful times! These suggestions are really thoughtful. Thanks for sharing!
LOVE all of this. Thank you, Marilyn. <3